Carpet Cleaning

Do you want a clean and healthy carpet?

There are a number of methods that can be used to clean your carpet.

Each of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Some methods will get out only dirt, whilst other methods will get out dirt and grease, and yet others will get out virtually everything. To be sure some methods are more expensive than others, but as the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for”. If all you want is a cheap rinse the dirt off the top procedure, which you might find for around $10 per room, then we respectfully ask that you call another company.

If you want to protect your health, your investment in carpeting and your family from the countless bacteria, fungus, pollen’s and dust mites that reside in your carpet, then you are invited to call us.

Our truck-mounted hot water unit is the most effective cleaning system available today. It also allows us to clean carpets in properties without power. Access to a tap is all we need, the machine does the rest.

Have you ever seen how dirty a little boy’s pants get when playing outdoors? If you have, then you would know you can brush off his pants and make him think they are clean. Or, if you want the job done right, you can machine wash them in hot water and detergent and you will KNOW they are clean.

The same applies for your carpet. You can hire someone for $25 to $50 who will “brush off” your carpets and make you think it’s clean.

Or, if you want the job done right, we will clean your carpets with our hot extraction system using our state of the art cleaning equipment and then you will KNOW that they are clean.

Do you want a clean and healthy carpet?
Let us help you out!

Have A Question? Call Us

03 6273 2444

Come In And Visit Us

1/120 Gormanston Rd,
Derwent Park, Tas 7009

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